Our services

Our services

Services and Logistics

In addition to recognized competence in international transport, ElZelaky guarantees a highly professional and bespoke service. The customer is supported in every phase of the shipment, guaranteeing right from the start the correct routing of the goods. All bureaucratic, administrative, customs and warehouse management practices are followed with the utmost professionalism. Complete assistance in the phases of loading/Discharge and within the intermodal transport.

Safe, environmental and accurate shipments with intermodal transportation

El Zelaky offers a high-level intermodal transport service, allowing the combination of multiple means of transport for the handling of any type of goods by road, rail, sea and air. Thanks to selected partners and its own vehicles, El Zelaky acts as a single point of contact in intermodal transport, choosing the best route and modes of transport to guarantee you fast, advantageous and eco-friendly international shipments. This mode of transport is ideal for those who have to transfer large quantities of goods over long distances. In fact, the goods, loaded in the same container or road vehicle, arrive at their destination without being touched, reducing the risk of damage, eliminating the costs of transshipment from one vehicle to another, containing pollution whilst always ensuring maximum safety and speed.

Complete port assistance for your shipments by sea

The skills acquired in over 28 years of activity in international maritime transport allow El Zelaky to offer a wide range of customer assistance services during all phases of import and export of goods, for loading and discharge:

•load lifting operations, stowage and fixing plans

• container filling and emptying operations

•assistance for loading, and transit of discharge dangerous goods

From the collection of the goods to direct delivery to the recipient

Thanks to a wide network of qualified contacts in all the most important commercial areas, ElZelay guarantees its customers a complete high-level door-to-door service, taking care of the entire transport cycle, from the collection of the goods from the sender’s headquarters until delivery to the recipient. Alongside the organization of door-to-door transport, the ElZelaky team supports the customer in carrying out the bureaucratic, administrative and customs procedures related to the shipment, the packaging of goods and in verifying compliance with the regulations in force both in transit and at destination

Warehouses and storage yard of your goods

ElZelaky assures its customers a high-quality warehousing service, with warehouses and yard strategically located near / inside the ports and an advanced management of the entrusted goods, allowing the customer to optimize the supply chain and minimize costs.